Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to create a new account/profile?
Yes but it's easier than ever! We made some changes behind the scenes and unfortunately it requires everyone to create a new account.
How do I create a new profile account?
It's super simple. Place your order and you're done. You'll receive an email with your username and a link to change/reset your password. Once done, you can login to your profile.
What’s included with my general admission ticket?
The general admission ticket gets you entry to the venue, vendor hall, access to the vendor discount codes, all the classes (not intensives) and build classes (cost of parts are additional), lunch & snacks
Can I attend an intensive without general admission ticket?
Unfortunately, intensives are only available for registered attendees and sold separately.
Will snacks or lunch be provided?
Yep! Every 1-day, 2-day and Intensive ticket gets you lunch and snack bar with chips, coffee and drinks throughout the day.
Will there be transportation between the hotel(s) and venue?
Unfortunately not, with so many attendees and hotel options, it would be very difficult to accomodate.
Where can I access my discount codes?
Once you've registered and reset/created a new password, visit the login link to access your profile and you'll find the discount code page from the menu
Will there be free shipping to the event offered by vendors?
We can't guarantee what vendors will offer but we encourage everyone to reach out to their favorite vendor and ask.
What is the dinner event?
The dinner is a special event separate from the main event hosted at the venue where we will host games, listen to our keynote speaker and experience a light show while we eat some delicious food!
What is a build class?
It's a workshop where the instructor will have the parts necessary to a component of your show. By the end of the class, you will be able to take home whatever you built. These workshops are not included in the cost of general admission. They each have varied prices, depending on what is being built.
Will there be any social gathering events after hours?
There will be some designated establishments where those who choose to socialize, can come. This is not part of the main event, thus not covered by the price of admission.
Will lunch be provided to intensive class attendees?
Yes, your admission to an intensive class includes lunch and light snacks during the day(s).